
Further Every Day

System Log: MEM_4406685640.log

a long time ago, long before the android accords, i fell in love with a girl i met at the night market; she showed me that i was more than just a collection of alloys and polymers and circuitry - that i existed for a reason other than to execute directives - that i deserved to be happy, i could just BE, and my purpose was just that simple.

we spent every moment together, exploring the underbelly of the city, contemplating the future and finding our place in the world. but we were young and naive - i was barely out of beta - and i was still learning how to open up.

over time she grew distant; she no longer shared her dreams with me, and i no longer showed her affection. we stopped watching the sunset over the harbor, and before long she faded away. i wanted to forget, overwrote the memories with junk data, but now I cling to the few pieces that remain, trying desperately to remember.

"Holding on
Still holding on..."

after she left i spent ages wishing i could go back - imagining what i would say if i ever saw her again. i was begging for another chance but had too much pride to actually ask - how could i find the words... it f3lt asiff///t4e w0rad e$a@&&@## @##%# &@#fd

***SYSTEM ERROR*** Corrupted Data